Hi..i am back..busy, busy with my parents coming into town today. cleaning like a mad women!
I could not decide how to do this give away..so ..leave your name, i will pick a winner, and you can pick out what one of these you want. i will put the names in a hat or, jar, and I will have one of my kids pick the name!I will do this on Friday, and announce the winner.Tthese are the latest ones. i picked them up on Saturday a the studio..
Thank you all for leaving me your sweet comments and stopping by and reading what i have going on, and what i have to say. I am truly humbled that you would want to even see what i do, or how i live..you have made this blogging world so much fun.
pick me, pick me!
I love your pots. They are so fanciful and make me smile.
Just stumbled upon your blog today...it's awesome. (And so are those cool pots!)
I went to Catherines shop Red Shoes and saw 2 of your beautiful vases. If I don't win one I am going to buy one after my big show. Just warning you.
These are so beautiful! So beautiful that you should frame that photo! I still gotta come by and buy some from you...we are going to get together one of these days! Hope you are doing great....
Hi Julie
Your pots look amazing! Each one is so creative and unique.
Have a wonderful visit with your parents.
Hi Julie! I would love to be entered in your drawing! Thanks! Hope you had a beautiful day...
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