So yes, I am feeling the anxiety. The Chrismas Holiday rush too buy, buy , buy....to try and please everyone with what I am suppose to do, the way my house should look etc. I know I am not alone out there. Thank Goodness! I have to remind myself to keep my expectations low. Thats what it is expectations. that gets me in trouble. So you will here me talking to myself mumbling that word the E word, I even preach it to my children. Part of it is depressing also, seeing the Christmas stuff dispalyed next to the Halloween. What is it with that? I always here every year it gets worse and worse. It`s just worse period! We already came to the worse about thirty years ago, ok give or take..
I did not mean for the post to be a rant. I meant to share with you my simple candy canes. First of all they are extemely cheap..88 cents for a box of twelve i think. and they look great! So I put clusters of them around the house. They have them even in the jelly belly variety. I even monocharmatic them all green ones in one vase, all red in the other, I know, don`t laugh. Thats al, I hope you like itl..maybe i will be back later today..
Very festive!
I like your pots, too! And you paint!
We have a lot in common! Nice to meet you, Julie.
Not sure how I found you LOL someone's blogroll ... I have a small farm so I had to check out a "Farmer Julie"
glad you stopped by! I stopped by yours for a minute. i will be back! love your drawings!! great!
Its so easy in our society to get overwhelmed by the holiday season. I try to do all my gift buying and making before Thanksgiving so I can enjoy the fun parts of Christmas :)
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