I sold a pot to a fellow potter today!
here is her wonderful blog: http://clayandchocolate.blogspot.com/ I am thrilled and humbled when I sell something. So Bonnie, thank you so much!!
I went to pick up my Christmas card photos. They turned out pretty good. I used Flickr Toys and made a mosaic. Here is the link i used. It was very easy to do.http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/
I have a very. very quiet house..i really enjoy doing Christmas cards. I sometimes complain, but really i love it. I even bought some glitter. going all out!
I am not a blue fan, but i like how this came out on one of my glazes..i will use it again !
That's all..for now! Have a wonderful day!
Very pretty :)
Hi Julie
This blue pot is gorgeous (I love blue...and this is such a nice shade). I can just imagine how beautiful your Christmas cards turned out - the glitter sounds great!! And the elf-boxes :-} that sounds soooo adorable (will you post about them) :-} Have a great day.
Hi Julie, well done on your sale! Thanks for the links, will certianly be having a go too! Quiet days can be bliss sometimes :) Jenn and Jacqui
Congratulations on your sale!
Have fun making your Christmas cards:)
BTW if you want your header picture to be smaller you should resize your photo to 640 pixels, then it will fit within the banner border. I had the same thing happen to me earlier this week when I changed mine. Another blogger helped me out, so I thought I would pass on the info to you.
Congrats on the sale, nice pots.
Make more stuff with your photographs on www.FotoTrix.com (photo tricks).
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