Wednesday, November 26, 2008

All to often I approach my daily's chores with I have to do this.. the laundry, pick up the kids from school, clean the floors, you know the drill. All that boring stuff. On Saturday mornings Mike meets a group of guys from church for coffee at the local hangout..They share their struggles and what have you. I really do not know or want to know what they talk about. He shares every so often. On Saturday he came home and shared this with me:

Have you ever heard of " Get to ?" I had not heard of that ...tell me,please.

One of the guys had a friend who met someone for breakfast..well later that night this person was in an accident and did not 'Get To" do anything anymore.This person was paralyzed, and now in a wheel chair.This person does not get to walk, mop floors, do the laundry, This person does not get to do the daily's of life..How sad and horrible is that, and would be ? How much do I take for granted, and am not grateful for just today , and living it and being thankful for it. How many times do I complain? A lot. I complain a lot. Maybe not so much on here, but in my head i am the queen of me.

I am grateful that I get to do pretty much almost everything. and the fun stuff is icing on the cake.

So instead of I have to..

I get to..pick up the kids insulin so they can live

I get to drive to the grocery store and be able to pay for it so we can eat.

I get to wash the laundry in the comfort of my warm home and not drag it to the laundry mat..

There is so much more. My little head is grateful for being able to do so many things that I do a very good job complaining about..

Just something I am working on..and thought I would share..

So, what do you get to do today?


bridgmanpottery said...

I got to do a lot today- hosting a playdate, prepping and cooking for tomorrow's supper, happy to do it and have my family near.
happy thanksgiving, julie!

Eileen said...

such a good wy to look at everything.

Charity Grace said...

This is wonderful.

I love your blog, BTW. The winter banner is so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,
I have not been over here to say hello. I love that!! I get to do lots too. I am going to share that. :)

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